John Lee Supertaster

From This Might Be A Wiki
Artwork from the enhanced "No!" CD

song name John Lee Supertaster
artist They Might Be Giants
releases No!, eMusic Freebies, TMBG Unlimited - February, No! Preview, TMBG Clock Radio, A User's Guide to They Might Be Giants: Melody, Fidelity, Quantity, For The Kids Too!
year 2000
first played March 15, 2002 (161 known performances)
run time 2:01
sung by John Flansburgh


I love the song "John Lee Supertaster." It's off the children's record, but it's as messed up as any song could possibly be, and it sounds like Cream. It's just an incredibly loud track, but it somehow fits in on the children's record. And also, my friend John Lee is a real-life supertaster. He was in this band called Muckafurgason, and so just having a chance to write a song about a real-life person and his real-life, strange predilection was really exciting. It's like a win-win-win kind of situation.
  • They Might Be Giants posted video of the recording sessions for this song to eMusic in May 2000. Watch it on YouTube.
  • On several digital music services, this song has been mislabeled in the past as "John Lee Superstar".
  • In the episode "Bingo Bongos" of the show Higglytown Heroes (for which TMBG also created the theme song), Flansburgh and Linnell voiced their own characters, members of a fictitious group called The Supertasters.
  • On the CD-ROM version, the spoken intro is not used.

Song Themes

Addiction, Compulsion, Age, Coffee, Drinking, Everything, Food, Love, Medical, Numbers, People (Real), Science, Spoken Word, Stories, Super-Human Qualities, The Senses


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John Lee Supertaster is currently ranked #695 out of 1032. (69 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.84)